Bàn bướm cho khung gỗRandek AB
Bàn bướm cho khung gỗ
Randek AB
Năm xây dựng
Tiểu bang
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dữ liệu về máy
- Chỉ định máy:
- Bàn bướm cho khung gỗ
- nhà chế tạo:
- Randek AB
- người mẫu:
- BS20
- Năm xây dựng:
- 2023
- Tiểu bang:
- Mới
- Vị trí:
- Falkenberg, Schweden
- ID quảng cáo:
- A896820
- Số tham chiếu:
- BS20
- Cập nhật:
- cuối cùng vào 05.02.2025
Butterfly Table BS20
Randek butterfly table BS20 is an efficient tool when producing prefabricated walls, roofs, floors, gable ends in timber or steel frame. The tables can be used separate or placed in a line. High quality is achieved due to the clamping function that guarantees the squaring of the building component. The turning of the building element is done with a controlled automatic process. High productivity is achieved; the working table is optimized for prefabricated house production.
Functional description:
The following processes can be done in the working table / butterfly table:
• Automatic turning of building component, the up raiser table raises and flips over the building component during a controlled process to the receiver table, and the building component is turned.
• Squaring of building component, the pneumatically clamping function on the long side of the table presses the building component into a squared high quality building component.
• The table is developed in order to efficiently perform the following processes: building of framework, put on and nail sheets, nailing of plastic of paper foil and insulation of building component.
Technical description:
• Length: Available in lengths of 6000, 7500, 9000 and 12000 mm
• Width adjustment between 2250 – 3100 mm, the adjustment between different widths is easily done with a manual control
• The tables are hydraulically appraisable up to 91 degrees
• Pneumatically squaring function on the up raiser table on the long side, stoppers height 160 mm
• The tables are covered with plywood sheets as far as technically possible, the sheets makes it possible to put on sub components and beams easily directly on the table
• The tables are built in strong steel profiles
• The working height of the tables is optimal 620 mm
• Equipped with alongside c-profiles for possible placement of steer stoppers for beam placement
• The tables are completely delivered ready for assembly with very simple installation process. The customer is responsible for supply of motor cover and switcher for hydraulic unit (3kW)
• The tables are designed to make it possible to add a multi function working bridge with nailing or drilling function
• The distance between the tables shall be approximately 1100 mm, depending on the thickness of the building component
• The machine is equipped with safety stop
• Squared building components due to clamping function
• Controlled and automatic turning of the building component
• Ideal working height
• Flexible adjustment in width
Randek butterfly table BS20 is an efficient tool when producing prefabricated walls, roofs, floors, gable ends in timber or steel frame. The tables can be used separate or placed in a line. High quality is achieved due to the clamping function that guarantees the squaring of the building component. The turning of the building element is done with a controlled automatic process. High productivity is achieved; the working table is optimized for prefabricated house production.
Functional description:
The following processes can be done in the working table / butterfly table:
• Automatic turning of building component, the up raiser table raises and flips over the building component during a controlled process to the receiver table, and the building component is turned.
• Squaring of building component, the pneumatically clamping function on the long side of the table presses the building component into a squared high quality building component.
• The table is developed in order to efficiently perform the following processes: building of framework, put on and nail sheets, nailing of plastic of paper foil and insulation of building component.
Technical description:
• Length: Available in lengths of 6000, 7500, 9000 and 12000 mm
• Width adjustment between 2250 – 3100 mm, the adjustment between different widths is easily done with a manual control
• The tables are hydraulically appraisable up to 91 degrees
• Pneumatically squaring function on the up raiser table on the long side, stoppers height 160 mm
• The tables are covered with plywood sheets as far as technically possible, the sheets makes it possible to put on sub components and beams easily directly on the table
• The tables are built in strong steel profiles
• The working height of the tables is optimal 620 mm
• Equipped with alongside c-profiles for possible placement of steer stoppers for beam placement
• The tables are completely delivered ready for assembly with very simple installation process. The customer is responsible for supply of motor cover and switcher for hydraulic unit (3kW)
• The tables are designed to make it possible to add a multi function working bridge with nailing or drilling function
• The distance between the tables shall be approximately 1100 mm, depending on the thickness of the building component
• The machine is equipped with safety stop
• Squared building components due to clamping function
• Controlled and automatic turning of the building component
• Ideal working height
• Flexible adjustment in width
Randek AB Kontaktbüro Deutschland
Người liên hệ: Ông Michael Kasior
Vogelsangweg 18
31655 Stadthagen, nước Đức
Cho xem nhiều hơn

Randek AB ist ein schwedisches Unternehmen und entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet Hochleistungsmaschinen und Fertigungssysteme für die Herstellung von vorfabrizierten Häusern. Zur Produktpallette gehören: Zuschnittsägen, Produktionslinien für Wände, Fußböden und Dächer, Systeme zur Herstellung von Dachbindern, Wendetische und Spezialmaschinen. Der Automationsgrad reicht von vollautomatischem Betrieb bis zu manueller Handhabung.
Die Geschichte der Firma reicht zurück bis in die 1940ger Jahre und begann in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den ersten Fertighausherstellern. Heute sind Randek Maschinen und Systeme bei Hausherstellern in 36 Ländern im Einsatz.
Die Geschichte der Firma reicht zurück bis in die 1940ger Jahre und begann in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den ersten Fertighausherstellern. Heute sind Randek Maschinen und Systeme bei Hausherstellern in 36 Ländern im Einsatz.
Xem thêm thông tin pháp lý
Verantwortloch für den Inhalt
Ola Svensson, Falkenberg, Schweden
Ola Svensson, Falkenberg, Schweden
Thông tin pháp lý khác đóng
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