CNC oxyfuel / máy cắt plasmaPierce Control Automation
RUR 2500GP HiFocus 280i
CNC oxyfuel / máy cắt plasma
Pierce Control Automation
RUR 2500GP HiFocus 280i
VB thêm thuế giá trị gia tăng.
103.000 €
Năm xây dựng
Tiểu bang
Vị trí

Hiển thị hình ảnh
Hiển thị bản đồ
dữ liệu về máy
- Chỉ định máy:
- CNC oxyfuel / máy cắt plasma
- nhà chế tạo:
- Pierce Control Automation
- người mẫu:
- RUR 2500GP HiFocus 280i
- Năm xây dựng:
- 2017
- Tiểu bang:
- Mới
VB thêm thuế giá trị gia tăng.
103.000 €
- Vị trí người bán:
- Rutgerweg 8, 44894 Bochum, nước Đức
- ID quảng cáo:
- A1001441
- Cập nhật:
- cuối cùng vào 20.12.2024
The CNC-controlled oxyfuel/plasma cutting machine RUR 2500GP is a completely welded gantry construction without bolted joints with linear guides in the transverse axis and digital synchronization in the longitudinal axis.
The HiFocus 280i plasma system is suitable for use in the sheet thickness range of 0.5 - 50 (70) mm. As a soft-switch inverter HiFocus 280i offers a fully electronic current source for the power range up to 280 A. The system delivers best cutting results in the range of laser-like cuts and offers an increased lifetime of wear parts.
Pierce-19" touch screen CNC control system.
Energy chains with cables and hoses
One motorized plasma torch with automatic initial setting and torch height control
Pneumatic anti-collision system
HiFocus 280i plasma cutting unit for cutting mild steel with recommended material thickness from 0.5 - 50 mm, piercing up to 40 mm, gases: Air, oxygen, automatic gas console, 15m hose package.
One oxyacetylene torch with electric ignition and torch height control.
Automatic four step piercing with high preheating
One set of wear parts
Cutting table with sectional exhaust
Technical data:
max. cutting thickness 200 mm
cutting width 2100 mm
cutting length 6000 mm
cutting speed 0 - 12.000 mm/min.
cutting range 0,5 - 70 mm
machine dimensions (L x W x H) 1020 x 2840 x 1700 mm
track length 7600 mm
Cutting table dimensions (L
Quảng cáo đã được dịch tự động. Có thể xảy ra lỗi dịch thuật.
The HiFocus 280i plasma system is suitable for use in the sheet thickness range of 0.5 - 50 (70) mm. As a soft-switch inverter HiFocus 280i offers a fully electronic current source for the power range up to 280 A. The system delivers best cutting results in the range of laser-like cuts and offers an increased lifetime of wear parts.
Pierce-19" touch screen CNC control system.
Energy chains with cables and hoses
One motorized plasma torch with automatic initial setting and torch height control
Pneumatic anti-collision system
HiFocus 280i plasma cutting unit for cutting mild steel with recommended material thickness from 0.5 - 50 mm, piercing up to 40 mm, gases: Air, oxygen, automatic gas console, 15m hose package.
One oxyacetylene torch with electric ignition and torch height control.
Automatic four step piercing with high preheating
One set of wear parts
Cutting table with sectional exhaust
Technical data:
max. cutting thickness 200 mm
cutting width 2100 mm
cutting length 6000 mm
cutting speed 0 - 12.000 mm/min.
cutting range 0,5 - 70 mm
machine dimensions (L x W x H) 1020 x 2840 x 1700 mm
track length 7600 mm
Cutting table dimensions (L
Quảng cáo đã được dịch tự động. Có thể xảy ra lỗi dịch thuật.
Người liên hệ: Ông Christopher Sperling
Rutgerweg 8
44894 Bochum, nước Đức
+49 234 9... chỉ
Cho xem nhiều hơn

Wir handeln und vermitteln Werkzeugmaschinen neu und gebraucht.
Unser Schwerpunkt ist der CNC Service für CNC Maschinen: Brenn-, Plasma-,Laser- und Wasserstrahlschneidanlagen
sowie Blechbearbeitungsmaschinen
Unser Schwerpunkt ist der CNC Service für CNC Maschinen: Brenn-, Plasma-,Laser- und Wasserstrahlschneidanlagen
sowie Blechbearbeitungsmaschinen
Xem thêm thông tin pháp lý
CNC Servicetechnik Sperling
Inh. Christopher Sperling
Rutgerweg 8
44894 Bochum
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Bochum
Steuer-ID: DE 269204129
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 6 MDStV: Christopher Sperling
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CNC Servicetechnik Sperling
Inh. Christopher Sperling
Rutgerweg 8
44894 Bochum
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Bochum
Steuer-ID: DE 269204129
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 6 MDStV: Christopher Sperling
Ausgewiesene Marken gehören ihren jeweiligen Eigentümern.
Wir übernehmen keine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der auf dieser Website befindlichen Informationen.
Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für den Inhalt verlinkter externer Internetseiten.
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+49 234 9... chỉ
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