Veneer cưaHöfer Presstechnik
FSP - Automatik 370
Veneer cưa
Höfer Presstechnik
FSP - Automatik 370
Năm xây dựng
Tiểu bang
Vị trí
Taiskirchen im Innkreis 

Hiển thị hình ảnh
Hiển thị bản đồ
dữ liệu về máy
- Chỉ định máy:
- Veneer cưa
- nhà chế tạo:
- Höfer Presstechnik
- người mẫu:
- FSP - Automatik 370
- Năm xây dựng:
- 2025
- Tiểu bang:
- Mới
- Vị trí:
- 4753 Taiskirchen im Innkreis, Österreich
- ID quảng cáo:
- A1426390
- Cập nhật:
- cuối cùng vào 24.01.2025
+ with automatic feeding
+ intuitive operation via Touchscreen
+ saw unit 2.2 kW (3 PS) - invinitely variable height-adjustable on
two high precision ball-rail-systems
+ milling unit 1.1 kW (1.5 PS) - invinitely variable height-adjustable on
two high precision ball-rail-systems
+ cutting and milling height 45 mm
+ saw- and milling unit can be
lifted and lowered pneumatically
+ front support table pneumatically adjustable - width of support: 230 mm
+ guiding of the saw- and millingunit via of two high precision ball-rail-systems
+ central lubrication points for the simple and complete maintenance of the guiding carriage
+ pneumatic axial saw blade adjustment, 0 – 2 mm infinitely variable
+ electromotoric feed of the saw- and millingunit, (2 – 20 m/min infinitely variable)
in self-holding contact
+ swivel switch console with rotating operating console
+ transparent lamella cover protects the cutting area
+ area of the saw and milling unit is totally fenced in metal sheets in front and at the side
+ power supply in cable duct with plastic link track
+ chipping device up to 25 mm
+ safety equipment
+ intuitive operation via Touchscreen
+ saw unit 2.2 kW (3 PS) - invinitely variable height-adjustable on
two high precision ball-rail-systems
+ milling unit 1.1 kW (1.5 PS) - invinitely variable height-adjustable on
two high precision ball-rail-systems
+ cutting and milling height 45 mm
+ saw- and milling unit can be
lifted and lowered pneumatically
+ front support table pneumatically adjustable - width of support: 230 mm
+ guiding of the saw- and millingunit via of two high precision ball-rail-systems
+ central lubrication points for the simple and complete maintenance of the guiding carriage
+ pneumatic axial saw blade adjustment, 0 – 2 mm infinitely variable
+ electromotoric feed of the saw- and millingunit, (2 – 20 m/min infinitely variable)
in self-holding contact
+ swivel switch console with rotating operating console
+ transparent lamella cover protects the cutting area
+ area of the saw and milling unit is totally fenced in metal sheets in front and at the side
+ power supply in cable duct with plastic link track
+ chipping device up to 25 mm
+ safety equipment
1426390.pdf (PDF)NHà CUNG CấP
Người liên hệ: Ông Walter Bichl
Pramerstraße 11
4753 Taiskirchen, Áo
+43 7764 ... chỉ
Cho xem nhiều hơn
Höfer Presstechnik GmbH
Seit 1955 beschäftigen wir uns mit dem Bau von Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen.
Die steigenden Ansprüche unserer Kunden an die Maschinen Mitte der 60er Jahre machten es notwendig, ein neues Firmenareal zu suchen und neu zu bauen. Die letzte Produktionshalle wurde 1998 fertiggestellt und der Grad unserer Flexibilität enorm erhöht.
Zuverlässigkeit und Erfahrung im Bau von Pressen und Sägen waren immer schon ein Kriterium für unsere Kunden. So lag es nur nahe, dass auch andere Industriezweige wie z.B. die Kunststoff- und Elektroindustrie und auch die Automobilindustrie auf unser Know-how und unsere Qualität im Maschinenbau zugegriffen haben. HÖFER Maschinen befinden sich mittlerweile auf allen Kontinenten im Einsatz.
Höfer Presstechnik GmbH
We have been designing and manufacturing woodworking machinery since 1955.
The demands for our machines grew in the mid 60‘s, making it necessary for us to find a larger premises and to build a new factory.
The last production plant was completed in 1998 and with it, our flexibility has increased substantially.
Reliability and experience in the designing of machines were always criteria for our customers. So it came as no real surprise that other industrial branches i.e. synthetic components industry, electric industry as well as the automobile industry, took interest in our know-how and in our products. Today, HÖFER machines are known and used world-wide.
Seit 1955 beschäftigen wir uns mit dem Bau von Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen.
Die steigenden Ansprüche unserer Kunden an die Maschinen Mitte der 60er Jahre machten es notwendig, ein neues Firmenareal zu suchen und neu zu bauen. Die letzte Produktionshalle wurde 1998 fertiggestellt und der Grad unserer Flexibilität enorm erhöht.
Zuverlässigkeit und Erfahrung im Bau von Pressen und Sägen waren immer schon ein Kriterium für unsere Kunden. So lag es nur nahe, dass auch andere Industriezweige wie z.B. die Kunststoff- und Elektroindustrie und auch die Automobilindustrie auf unser Know-how und unsere Qualität im Maschinenbau zugegriffen haben. HÖFER Maschinen befinden sich mittlerweile auf allen Kontinenten im Einsatz.
Höfer Presstechnik GmbH
We have been designing and manufacturing woodworking machinery since 1955.
The demands for our machines grew in the mid 60‘s, making it necessary for us to find a larger premises and to build a new factory.
The last production plant was completed in 1998 and with it, our flexibility has increased substantially.
Reliability and experience in the designing of machines were always criteria for our customers. So it came as no real surprise that other industrial branches i.e. synthetic components industry, electric industry as well as the automobile industry, took interest in our know-how and in our products. Today, HÖFER machines are known and used world-wide.
hiện ít hơn
Gửi yêu cầu
+43 7764 ... chỉ
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